Thursday, October 21, 2010

How do you start this thing?

Well, I've done it...really done it this time. I've joined the 21st century and created a blog site! I'm not sure what this is all about and who would ever want to read what is posted. I view this area more as a diary of thoughts. It will be very interesting to see where it takes me and everyone else. I guess I'm still somewhat old fashion in thinking journaling is done on paper with a pen and is to be kept hidden until you are gone.  Then it's discovered by someone (probably your kids) and they are shocked, amused or disgusted by what you wrote. The ones who are reading it will definitely learn something new about the me...some of which they will find very different from what they thought or think I am.  Composing on the computer is much easier than using the pen...for one thing you can quickly and easily erase and start over again. Not so in life. Once you've had an experience, it will always be somewhere...on paper, in a picture or maybe in your memory (another topic for another day...memory or lack thereof). But it's always there to be called upon for further reflection and embellishment. There are no "do-overs"! That said, tomorrow I will be having one of "those" experiences. I having a total knee replacement of the left knee. For the first time, I will be losing a part of my body which is near and dear and has served me well for these many years.  I will be sad to see it go but also relieved.  My knee has finally worn out to the point of not being able to support my body anymore.  Now if there is one thing I can't stand is "lack of support". So while my knee has been near and dear, it must go...replaced by a titanium knee which is supposed to support me for at least fifteen years. We'll see.  When you go to bed tonight, thank your knees for keeping you in an upright position, steady on your legs and work on keeping them healthy. Then you won't suffer the fate my knee will suffer of being removed for a better, more efficient model.