Sunday, November 7, 2010

Back to Real Time

I love this particular day. The day we get back the hour that was taken from us early last March.  I don't understand why the Government has to play with our sleep patterns and our circadian rythums? It was bad enough when we had six months on and six months off. Then Regan decided to "save more oil" in the 80's and moved the time change one week in either direction.  Ok, I could hand that but I still didn't like it.  Now Bush has moved it two weeks either direction so we only have five months on standard time.  I miss waking up early and just laying in bed at 5:00am listening the world come alive without the aide of an alarm. Just listening to the birds singing in April was such a wonderful event and watching the dawn happen.  In the fall, it made Halloween all the more spooky and fun. Losing that hour puts me in a very grumpy mood for a long time. I don't know why but it does.  Getting the extra hour back last night makes me feel very refreshed and happy...again, don't know why but it does. I don't know if anyone else feels the same...maybe I'm just a unique person.  When I was teaching, I noticed a difference in the kids and their ability to pay attention and concentrate.  Much better during standard time.  When daylight savings came along, they were really off.  I'm not sure why we still do this...we are no longer a 12 hour society but a 24/7.  Lights are on all the time, people work from home from their computers and work odd hours.  The need for daylight savings came during WWII when we were a manufacturing society which we no longer are. So why do we still need it?