Tuesday, December 7, 2010

At the Bird Feeder

Whoever said "eating like a bird" means eating a very small amount doesn't know anything about birds!  They are the biggest food hogs I've ever seen.  I have a bird feeder just outside my family room sliding door.  It's been a great joy just to watch them and their antics.  At certain times of the day, different groups of birds come in to gorge themselves of what I have put out for them (safflower seed). Originally, I just wanted to attract cardinals and finches. Well, I've got a variety of species coming in for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. The biggest bullies of the bird feed are the mourning doves. They just push everyone else out and off, shake up the feeder to get the seed on the ground and just sit on top to scare everyone else away. Then there are the purple finches...very tenacious little birds.  They will cling to the side of the feeder to get out their favorite seed which is a black thin seed.  Often one or two will "do battle" with the doves and get the doves off the feeder so others can eat.  Chickadees and nuthatches flutter in briefly, grab some seed and fly out to side on the branches of the trees, making a fuss at everyone else who comes to eat.  The ones I really want to enjoy are the cardinals.  They are so very cautious and shy.  The males in their bright red coats come in first to make sure it's safe. Once they see everything is fine, they call to their mates to come and dine. I love watching the males standing guard until their mates have finished. Finally, the squirrels...they are greedy, the biggest bullies and the most ingenious when it comes to food, especially in the winter.  I've watched one little guy figure out how to "fly" from one of the branches of the tree to the top of the feeder to shake out seed.  This was after many attempts to climb the pole which I greased so the squirrels couldn't get up to scatter seed. Watching him jump, slide down the pole and look puzzled has given many moments of enjoyment. But I've resigned myself to feed the greedy squirrels in order to enjoy the others. I also have two nesting red-tail hawks in the barn behind the house.  They have circled and dive bombed several times to get at the smaller birds which frightens everyone away for awhile. I love watching the hawks fly...so strong and proud. Having a bird feeder can give you many hours of enjoyment. It makes me slow down, observe what is going on around me and gives me a great deal of peace.  It stops me from worrying so much about life in general, not fearing what will happen next but to stay in the moment. I can't change what has happened nor can I change what will happen in the future for the most part. The Lord takes care of the birds of the field, He will take care of me because I am His child and He loves me...just as He and I love the birds.

1 comment:

  1. They say aquariums are good for your blood pressure. Sounds like bird feeders are too :o)
