Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Woman's Best Friend

Do you have a BFF? Do you even know what BFF means? I'm sure most people if not all can claim someone as their best friend forever which is good. Without someone or somebody to talk to and with our lives would be greatly diminished. Most times our best friend is a human being. But sometimes it's our pet be it a cat, dog, mouse, bird, whatever. Animals make great best friends because they listen and accept you for who you are (I'm sure about dogs in this matter but not so sure about cats!) In my little family, my pup Charlie is my best friend at certain times. He is a buff colored cocker spaniel who is about five and half years old. My husband and I rescued him a year and a half ago and it's been the best thing we ever did. Charlie has turned out to be "my" dog. He's very loyal, funny, and a great companion. He knows when I'm down and just jumps on my lap to console me. His antics always make me laugh, even when he's doing something he's not suppose to do. He also gets me out of the house for walks (necessary for his health and mine). Plus I don't want him to get into any nasty habits in the house since he's housebroken. Have you ever noticed most people can not pass a good natured dog without stopping to talk with the animal hence with you? Charlie has brought a lot of people into my life I would not have otherwise met. For this I thank him. I don't know how much time I'll have with Charlie. I hope it's many years. But in the mean time, I plan on just enjoying and loving the pooch as much as I can. If you don't have an animal in your life albeit your own or someone elses, you are really missing out. You might just want to investigate having one in your life. Look into shelters first or ask your friends if you can borrow their pet. They just might share with you.

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